Synonyms: METHYLDIETHANOLAMINE, MDEA, N-Methyl diethanolamin, 2,2’Methyliminodiethanol, N- methyl diethanolamine, Methyldiethanolamine, N,N-Bis(2-Hydroxy ethyl)methylamine, Methyldiethanolamin,
 CAS# :  105-59-9
 Formula :  CH3N(C2H4OH)2

Hazard Information:

 DOT Non-Bulk  Not Regulated
 DOT Bulk  Not Regulated
 IMGD   Not Regulated
 ICAO/IATA  Not Regulated
 HMIS Code  1-1-0
 WHMIS Classification                     D2B
 US, TSCA     Listed
 Canada, DSL            Listed


Property                                Specifications Test Method
Appearance Clear and substantially free of foreign matter ST-30.1
Color, Pt-Co 150 max. ST-30.12
Methyldiethanolamine, wt%     99 min.           ST-5.5
Water, wt% 0.5 max.         ST-31.53, 6

55-gallon drums, Tank Wagons, and Tank Cars


  • Thealkanolamines and their aqueous solutions will absorb carbon dioxide andhydrogen sulfide at lower temperatures and release the acid gases at highertemperatures.  This forms the basis forprocesses which separate carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from gas streams.
  • Methyldiethanolamineis an alkanolamine used in tail gas treating and hydrogen sulfide enrichmentunits for selectively removing hydrogen sulfide from gas streams containingcarbon dioxide. 
  • Methyldiethanolamineis also used in natural gas plants for the bulk removal of carbon dioxide
  • Urethanecatalyst
  • Textilesofteners
  • pHcontrol
  • Epoxyresin curing agents

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